Drop Off boxes

For those who would like to contribute by donating any of the supplies on our list, we will have drop off boxes set up in select locations.
We encourage you to donate supplies that may be lying around your house, unused! There are tons of young students who are in need of proper supplies.

List of Drop Off Boxes Coming Soon...

Money contributions

For those who would like to contribute through financial donations, you may click the donate button to donate money directly to our PayPal account
(Click Friends and Family).
Any amount helps!

How WE Work?

Using the donations and money our contributors give us, we buy and fill book bags with needed school supplies. We then contact local public schools and ask them how many bags they would like to receive from us. We ask them to consider this based on the student population that has reduced lunch. 

Every $10.00 donated, helps 1 child in need of school supplies!